Narrative work

From Under the Volcano, 1990, color pencil and graphite, 12 x 16 in From a group of drawings inspired by Malcolm Lowry's novel, "Under the Volcano."

From Under the Volcano, 1990, watercolor and pen, 15 x 15 in From a group of drawings inspired by Malcolm Lowry's novel, "Under the Volcano."

Dinner at Herb's, 1991, oil on canvas, 78 x 86 in Central painting in a suite based on an imaginative vision of a dinner with friends

Klana, 1991, oil on canvas, 30 x 30 in One of four portraits of friends from the series, "Dinner at Herb's"

Spirit in Secret Abuse, 1991, oil on canvas, 30 x 30 in One of four still lifes from the series, "Dinner at Herb's"

The Dream of Saint Martin, 1992, pastel, color pencil and copper, 40 x 40 in From "Myths and Folktales," retellings of ancient tales

The Annunciation FA-I, 1992, pastel, color pencil and copper, 40 x 40 in From "Myths and Folktales," retellings of ancient tales

Dream Club, 1993, ink, pen, and wash, 4 x 4 in From "Wheeling Chapbook," a group of drawings based on poems by Bob Wickless

Manifest Destiny, 1993, color pencil, graphite, charcoal, coal dust, 22 x 30 in from the series, Wheeling Sketches

Wheeling Dead End, 1993, graphite, color pencil and coal dust, 14 x 14 in From a residency in Wheeling, West Virginia

The Revenge Murder of Agamemnon, 1993, color pencil and pastel, 26 x 26 in From "The Oresteian Cycle," an environmental parable

From Physics, 1993, graphite, color pencil and graphite, 8 x 8 in From a series of drawings published as an artist's book

The Decay of the Angel: The Body Ceases to Give off Light, 1993, pastel, color pencil and conte, 41 x 26 in From a series of five drawings based on Yukio Mishima's four novel series, The Decay of the Angel

Public Place Public Space derive 1 B, 1994, color pencil and pastel, 26 x41 in from a series of imaginative interpretations based on walks around the Washington, DC, mall

Public Place Public Space derive 1 C, 1994, color pencil and pastel, 26 x41 in from a series of imaginative interpretations based on walks around the Washington, DC, mall

From Emblemata du Coeur series, 1994, ink and watercolor, 4 x 8 in

From Emblemata du Coeur series, 1994, ink and watercolor, 4 x 8 in

St Jude and the Sacred Heart, 1994, color pencil, graphite, 10 x 20 in from a series of personal works based on his experience with heart surgery

Elements: Photon, 1995, graphite, pastel, color pencil, graphite, and conte, 26 x 41 in From a series of four drawings based on quantum physics

From The Honeymooners, 1997, color pencil and pastel, 22 x 30 in From a large composite work consisting of 18 drawings, "The Honeymooners"

The Honeymooners, 1997, a group of 18 large drawings, total size 88 x 90 in

Carnival, 1998, color pencil and pastel, 52 x 48 in From the series, "All Art Is a Dance"

Competition, 1998, color pencil and pastel, 52 x 48 in From the series, "All Art Is a Dance"